Chocolate Girl Vanessa’s Dad, David, who collaborated with her on much of the writing and projects behind Gnosis over the past 15 years, has passed away. Vanessa and her mom, Aida aka Mamma Wonka we will resume production and launch our Ostara/Easter Collection on Monday, March 20th (the Spring Equinox)!

Limited Edition:

The Sacred Feminine

For International Women’s Day Tuesday, March 8th, we are creating a collection with the sacred intention to reawaken the Healer within us all. Quite literally our source of inspiration and creative impulse, the Sacred Feminine builds and pushes up until it must be expressed. It supports us in our quest to fulfill our purpose and reach for our dreams.

This collection is in honor of the first named author in human history, Enheduanna, of the first named deity in human history, Ishtar, and of the Wise Women who practiced herbal medicine before it became institutionalized.