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Hello there, ChocoLover!
We believe that every product on the market can and will be healthful. But it takes demand from the consumers!
Gnosis Chocolate has only grown thanks to YOUR demand - not marketing, cold calls, free-fills, or a sales force. Over the past 14 years, we have worked with over 300 retailers - all who reached out to us thanks to your ambassadorship!
We focus 100% of our efforts on earning your support and store shelf-space with uncomprising standards of integrity, service, and transparency, and on making a product line that evolves to meetthe changing needs of our customers, while holding fast to our committments.
If you believe our products would do well in a store near you, we offer FREE CHOCOLATE in gratitude for helping us grow by word of mouth!
It’s easy! Submit the form below, then take the info packet (download & print now or save your ink and wait for it to arrive in the mail) to the buyer / manager of the Raw Food or Chocolate set specifically - they’re the decision makers!
Once you’ve spoken with the manager/buyer, let us know who you spoke with so we can add you to the Suggest a Store database. When your store places their first order, we all win! Just choose which items from our website you’d like to receive - we’ll send about 5% of the store’s invoice value in FREE CHOCOLATE!
Here’s to a healthy, peaceful society… and lots of chocolate for everyone!!!
Vanessa aka Chocolate Girl