Goddess Bar 🚺

Goddess Bar 🚺
An ode to the sacred cycle of life - this bar contains pomegranate, chamomile, and herbs for women’s health & soothing.
Net Wt. 1.1oz. (30g)
INGREDIENTS: 70% raw chocolate (raw cacao beans*, coconut sugar*), pomegranate*, shatvari*, vitex (chaste berry)*, dong quai*, valerian*, evening primrose oil*, chamomile essential oil*, Love. *organic
An Ode. To grandmothers, mothers, daughters, sisters, wives, girlfriends, friends, and coworkers. To Woman - who bears the world in her womb. To the sacred cycle of life. To the cramps which prepare women for childbirth. To the moon phases of menopause and the wisdom therein.
The Medicinal Herbs in this bar will ease these transitions. The magnesium of cacao will relax her smooth muscle tissue to alleviate cramping, and its neurotransmitters will regulate hormonal shifts and feel your love. Pomegranate softly sweetens while chamomile bathes her in a Roman Bath of soothing. This bar places a single Evening Primrose by her bedside as you show your respect for the Sacred Feminine within.
Shatvari - (Ayurvedic Medicine) Tones, cleanses, and strenghtens the reproductive organs. Traditionally used for PMS, ammenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, menopause and pelvic inflammatory disease like endometriosis. Supports deeper tissue and builds blood and helps to promote fertility, prepare the womb for conception, prevent miscarriage and acts as a post-partum tonic where it helps to increase lactation and normalize the uterus and the changing hormones. For men it is a nutritive tonic similar to ginseng.
Chaste Berry - (Eastern Medicine) Eases the symptoms of PMS and regulates menstruation (Chocolate Girl uses and swears by this herb!). Can alleviate breast tenderness and other discomforts (irritability, bloating, depression) associated with PMS. Chasteberry may regulate ovulation and help women struggling with infertility. Symptoms of endometriosis and acne related to the menstrual cycle may respond as well. May also relieve menopausal symptoms. Contains antioxidant compounds that neutralize free radicals. Cell culture assays suggest chasteberry components have anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor activities.
Dong Quai - (Eastern Medicine) Used for more than 1,000 years as a spice, tonic, and medicine to treat women’s reproductive problems, such as dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation), and to improve circulation. Dong quai is sometimes called the “female ginseng.” Suggested to relieve menstrual disorders such as cramps, irregular menstrual cycles, infrequent periods, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and menopausal symptoms.
Valerian - (Greek & Roman Medicine) Valerian is used for insomnia, and is considered a sedative for nervous tension, hysteria, excitability, stress and intestinal colic or cramps.
*may contain traces of nuts, but always peanut free!
Inspiration to create this flavor came via requests on Facebook! I started Gnosis in a time of exploring what it means to be a Goddess and beginning to recognize her within me and have wanted to make a Women’s Bar since Gnosis’ inception!
This is a collaboration of the following Goddesses:
Melody Kiersz http://www.melodykiersz.com
Gail Giunta http://her-art-loves.blogspot.com
Gina Rafkind - http://www.VedaSun.com
Anandi Premlall http://www.aapremlall.com
Lisa Zaccaria www.lisartstudio.com
Eyunne Yang www.EunnyeYang.com
Tonka Dobreva
Humankind is linked by a silent ethereal rhythm - a constantly shifting element that not only moves our oceans and seas but affects every system on Earth. Our bodies are water – in fact our plasma differs from ocean water by only one molecule*. Everything that flows moves in rhythm with the moon. Women’s bodies are in constant flow each month - coinciding with the Moon’s cycles. Tides are in constant flux as are the inner rhythms of life.
Whether in woman or man, the sacred feminine - power pulled by the moon to pool low in our belly - is our driving force. Quite literally our source of inspiration and creative impulse, the sacred feminine builds and pushes up until it must be expressed. It supports us in our quest to fulfill our purpose and reach for our dreams. Women, due to the nature of their bodies and inner wisdom that their cycles bring, are innate caretakers, nurturers and creators. Men, when they embrace the sacred feminine within – can strengthen their masculinity with sensitivity, kindness, gentleness, and the intuition of sacred masculine in perfect harmony with the sacred feminine.
In a technologically industrial world run by the mechanisms of Man, the cycles of a woman are often looked upon as interference (“PMSing”) instead of honored, embraced and respected. Many of us been taught to keep our sacred feminine tied up and trapped under layers and layers of embarrassment and mortification. This process can leave us feeling passionless and disconnected from our powerful and creative goddess nature. It left us collectively choking on our own power for fear of what would happen if we allow it to be released. The Sacred Feminine, which is always there, helps woman and those who love her, to reconnect with the transformative and creative power of the natural rhythms of life. When a woman does not appreciate and respect these natural occurrences within herself, the world robs itself of the Divine Feminine’s raw intuitive power, strength and vitality.
It’s been some time now since we have fought for the rights to vote, to take an active role in the work force, and to generally stand on equal ground with men. Yet in order to achieve this equality we may have needed to sacrifice our innate femininity. The demands of every day life can leave a woman feeling stressed and overwhelmed as she dedicates herself to many roles. As mother, wife, career woman… the natural inner rhythms can fall out of balance. Modern women who are busy raising children, in relationships and/ or work in the corporate world may not be in tune with the Moon’s rhythm. We are confronted with environmental pollution, stress, and little time for ourselves. We are also surrounded by Society’s portrayal of the feminine emphasized by the value of her outward beauty - a false representation of what it really means to be a woman. Hence, breast cancer, cervical cancer, infertility, and plastic surgery plague our sex.
It’s time, ladies…
“A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture, and transform […] Let us call upon woman’s voice and woman’s heart to guide us in this age of planetary transformation.”
-Diane Mariechild.
Honoring the Cycle of Life within the Sacred Feminine is (though sometimes hidden and expressed in many mysterious ways) found in almost every religion in the world - it is ancient ritual and tradition drawn by indigenious cultures from around the world, such as the Aztec, Mayan, Olmec and Toltec Indians from Central and South America. These cultures also found the cacao tree to be sacred and worshipped it as such. Cacao has been known to hold an expansive feeling and mysterious energy, in the minds of those who experience it, much like the power of the Sacred Feminine energy. Sandro Botticelli’s famous painting, The Birth of Venus gives us a glimpse into the Sacred Feminine of Ancient Rome. Venus is birthed out of the sea – representing our connection to the rhythms of the sea and moon. Venus is a heavenly body, a planet that moves in rhythm with the Universe. She is also a Goddess who represents strength, beauty and vitality.
Embracing the Feminine Energy in today’s world can be complicated and a challenge when trying to juggle jobs, babies and especially finances. Luckily, the easiest is part is that embracing this sacred energy is FREE! All we need to do is put our focus, attention and intention on experiencing it. How can we find the time to experience it, or better yet BE it when society keeps us running here and there…
The best and most immediate thing to do is to Stop and Breathe into our Belly. It can be that simple. Stopping for one second between a meeting, a diaper changing, a walk to the subway. Stop and Breathe. If we remember to do this, we are connecting with the Sacred Source - which is Feminine and also Masculine Energy. It is everything. We can stop and look at the trees, flowers and grass. If we are in a big city and nature is sparse there is the expanse of the sky, even if you can only see a tiny patch of it between skyscrapers.
“To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wildflower.
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour.”
-William Blake, Auguries of Innocence
As women, we search for perfect beauty and perfect LOVE. We all have immense sacred feminine power within us that, when allowed, leads us exactly to that place of perfection. More often than not, this source is veiled by fears, guilt and doubt. It’s our purpose on Earth to lift that veil - through being willing to forgive ourselves and forgive others - and let perfect LOVE pour in. To tap into this immense source of wisdom is to seek with our heart, not our eyes. Only then will we discover true beauty and true LOVE.
Now is the time…
To honor that sacred feminine, that power sensual and soft yet strong and steadfast.
To let it be free, and express ourselves in a powerful yet feminine way.
It’s time to take care of it and let it flow!
Powerful Quotes you have suggested:
“I have tons of tattoos inked on my soul. Some are fresh and some are quite old. They’ve been etched there by others who have walked my way. Some black as night, some light as day. Some are beautiful, others edged in grief. Some have brought me sorrow and some have brought relief. So as you go about your day, giving love and receiving. Think about the lives you cross and the tattoos you may be leaving.” - Renee Ravencraft Bierbaum
“She is a friend of mind. She gather me, man. The pieces I am, she gather them and give them back to me in all the right order. It’s good, you know, when you got a woman who is a friend of your mind.” - Toni Morrison, Beloved
“Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.” - Ashley Smith
“I want first of all…to be at peace with myself. I want a singleness of eye, a purity of intention, a central core to my life that will enable me to carry out these obligations and activities as well as I can. I want, in fact—to borrow from the language of the saints—to live “in grace” as much of the time as possible.” - Anne Morrow Lindbergh
Woman must not accept; she must challenge. She must not be awed by that which has been built up around her; she must reverence that woman in her which struggles for expression. - Margaret Sanger
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?” Marianne Williamson
Powerful Websites you have suggested:
Goddess Alchemy Project - Music
* Sea water is almost an exact replica of human plasma in mineral composition and concentration. The environment and ionic processes within both plasmas are one molecule short of being exactly the same. Sea water is a living medium transporting an abundance of minerals just as our internal organism and the symbiotic organisms existing within are.