Pumpkin Spice
more than just a “fall flavor”
While many feel their blood type may at this point be PS+ with all the pumpkin spice they’re enjoying, and others may simply roll their eyes at the concept because they’ve been so heavily marketed to with the pumpkin spice-this, and pumpkin spice-that…
Might we ask you to give this American tradition another look? Pause and ask yourselves… what IS pumpkin spice and what purpose does it serve?
If we’re talking about those “natural flavorings” in pumpkin spice lattes and muffins (and chips and salsa - gosh they put it in everything), then YES - Pumpkin Spice is simply Fall marketing! But if your pumpkin spice is authentically made from pumpkin and spices, as ours is, well then... Pumpkin Spice is actually a seasonal alchemical blend.
Rather than groaning at the flavor profile we have been inundated with, let’s embrace Pumpkin Spice for the medicinal alchemy it truly is!